At Doucet Asset Management, we freely admit that not all investment managers are right for all clients and not all clients are right for all investment managers. Our firm was founded on the premise that forming long-lasting partnerships would lead to success both for our clients and the firm. With many of our client relationships dating back more than 20 years, this has proven to be particularly true.
Accounts are never accepted for the sheer sake of increasing assets under management or generating commissions. Rather, client relationships are approached as individual partnerships. Prior to forming a client partnership, an in-depth assessment of each prospective client’s objectives and constraints is performed to ensure that they align with our investment process.
Once identified, client objectives and constraints drive the portfolio construction process. In keeping with the boutique nature of the firm, service and responsiveness are integral throughout the process, and profit objectives of the firm are never placed before those of a client. Furthermore, by being organized as an independent registered investment advisory firm, we are able to maintain our objectivity, reduce conflicts of interest, limit inventory bias as seen with major wirehouses, and better align our actions with client goals.
We have found that our firm caters best to individuals and institutions exhibiting certain characteristics; therefore, we are selective when choosing to partner with a client.
Our Clients are
- Entrepreneurial
- Business Minded
- Financially Sophisticated
- Market Knowledgeable
- Loyal
- Value Oriented
Does this sound like you?